April 02, 2007

The Big Reveal

Remember when I mentioned my top secret project? Well, the time is almost nigh for me to turn it in and I'm so gosh durned proud of it; I would like to share it with you, my adoring public.

One of my classes is taught by Jeremy Tummel, the executive chef of The Wine Cask, a fancy schmancy restaurant in town. Our first day of class, he assigned us to make a tasting menu with some sort of theme. The menu that he likes the most will be featured for one night at his restaurant and the creator will get to stage in the kitchen. I started schemeing about this from the moment he told the class. I'm normally not a competitive person, but I want this.

The project is due next Monday and I'm in the last stages of testing. Here it is:

Over the next few days, I will be posting the recipes and pictures, so stay tuned, and cross your fingers for me, pretty please.

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Blogger El Torero said...

Sounds absolutely delicious! Good Luck!!!!

April 09, 2007 9:41 AM  

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