September 06, 2006

We're Going to Need a Bigger Boat

Well, that didn't last long. Between my birthday, starting school and a dear friend (a.k.a. la Gaucha Guapa) leaving me in charge of her cookbooks while she spends the year in Uruguay (she actually trusts me to give them back), my collection has expanded. Did you know that one of the best parts about going to culinary school is that when I buy a cookbook, it's now called a text book or "research"? I knew this whole school thing was a good idea. Also, a special thanks goes out to N who gifted me with a generous B_____'s card so I could do more research. Sunday Suppers at Lucques just might convert me back to a more omnivorous diet.

I did successfully make my list of what I wanted to try from all of my books. That list is, uh, 36 pages long(!) and still growing. It's categorized into courses and I briefly thought about indexing it based on seasons and main ingredients but I fear that project would finally push me over the edge. The upshot to all this is that I'm trying a lot more new recipes, 18 in the last month or so. Broadening my repertoire could also be considered a form of research. I'm studying for school, not fooling around in the kitchen, a very important distinction.


Blogger Unknown said...

I wish I had just a year and an infinite budget to make everything I wanted to make. *le sigh*

September 08, 2006 10:36 AM  
Blogger Meredith said...

So do I, Garrett, so do I. Maybe after we both win the lottery.

September 12, 2006 8:36 AM  

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